Portrait Photography
I really enjoy doing portrait photography. Currently, most of my clients are people for whom I am also producing other corporate marketing media, and a high quality, professionally post-produced portrait is part of a media package I offer them. Usually the portrait functions as a profile photo on the Home page of their website, or the photo on their business card, or the portrait on a piece of marketing or advertising literature.
The “portrait photograph” is a complex entity and I believe that it is truly an art form. It involves 2 critical stages:
First the photo shoot, where the photographer must capture MANY photographs of the subject. Bottom line: if you want to capture that one magic photo, you must capture at least 50! The photo shoot can happen either in front of a green screen (where ultimately an HDR background will be placed behind the subject) or a compelling inside or outside scene.
And second, the post-production process, where the selected photographs are “processed” to optimize the attributes of the subject, the background, and the synergy between the two.
See below for some examples of my portrait photography:
Business Portraits
Joyner Fine Properties
Here is a profile portrait I did for a brother & sister Realty group. I wish all my clients were as photogenic as these two!
Couples Portraits
Individual Portraits
Product Photography
Product photography is all about making the product itself stand out and SHINE! This is why the post-production process is critically important. Not only must the product pop, but everything else in the photo should accentuate the awesomeness of the product. There should be nothing in the image that detracts from the product, or distracts the viewer in any way from appreciating what the product is communicating.
Round Rock Pool Pros
Here are some photographs that I produced for a local custom pool designer & builder. I traveled to each custom pool location at around dusk to capture each pool in the most flattering light. After capturing the images on site, I then brought each image into Adobe Photoshop and post-produced them to ensure that each photo portrayed the custom pool in the most flattering and impressive context.
Desert Candle Drive
Crown Anchor Bend
Mayfield Ranch Blvd.
Pinehurst Drive
Huntington Trail
St. Albert the Great Catholic Church - Austin, TX
During Lent 2021, the parish was shut down due to COVID-19, so they were unable to offer live Stations of the Cross on each Friday during Lent. So they requested that I capture the stained glass windows in the church that represented each of the 14 Stations of the Cross. Capturing stained glass in a church is always challenging due to the extreme difference in exposure between the darkness of the church itself, and the bright light that is entering through the stained glass. I utilized a technique called "Exposure Bracketing," where I captured multiple photos of each stained glass window, each with a different exposure, raning from light to dark and then manually combined them in Adobe Photoshop to produce the best exposure balance.